Friday, November 19, 2010

I can't take it in...

There are moments in life, I just can't take in. Moments given at an appointed time, more fulfilling than that one moment's capacity. So much, that I must fasten to them again, later in thought. Returning and remembering anew. When time slows its march, suspended and spinning like a glass ornament, I am defined. By times often happy and doubtlessly, good.

Thoughts. Pictures.Words. Images. My soul awakens to each, containing a trace of great glory that one day I will abide in fully.

The tiny still-sleeping breaths of my baby niece, I could bottle. Lifted to my ear, they are as the sound of the ocean  in a conch shell.

Watching dawn and dusk close upon an infinitely spreading African plain. A prayer lifted for each cup of suffering spilled over Ugandan earth, bitter with the blood of past wars.

The pure belief of Lucy Pevensie, slipped into a dream-swept corner of Narnia. The lightpost lambent with mystery and adventure in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

My tears returned as salt into the Pacific ocean, where the Creator of its vastness spoke comfort to me from the ancient words of Psalm 81:

I am the LORD your God,
Who brought you out of the land of Egypt;
Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

The aroma of coriander in endless hours of watching hope rise and fall with the capacity of an organism as minute as yeast. A lesson of patience, yielding an                    edible reward.

Breath leaves my body slow in one long release--life just couldn't be, any more...

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